How MovingPicture Works

MovingPicture is designed for a producer or editor to have full reign of the motion control process, without needing to go out-of-house, or have to describe the desired moves to an operator. Instead, the producer quickly creates the moves that will most likely be useful in the show directly. If new material is needed during the edit, the editor can easily create new motion sequences that will fit the show like a glove, enhancing both quality and budget.

MovingPicture scans images at high resolutions, up to 8,000 by 8,000 pixels (picture elements), so that the image remains crisp even when zoomed completely in.

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Getting a Digital Picture

MovingPicture accepts digital images from almost any source, scanners, the Internet, stock photo CD collections, PhotoCDs, and digital cameras. The price of scanners has plummeted, so that an excellent flatbed scanner can be had for under $50 from office supply stores such as Staples. MovingPicture accepts pictures in a wide variety of industry standard formats: TIFF,  BMP, PSD,  and Targa.

Moving Around the Picture

After the picture is loaded onto the MovingPicture's Stage, you can move a virtual "camera" around by dragging the yellow box is overlaid on the picture. The box outlines what the camera "sees", and is shown in the Viewfinder screen. As the camera box is moved around, or re-sized, the image in the Viewfinder reflects the new view.

Setting Up Moves

Underneath the Stage is a Timeline, much like that of a nonlinear editor, which determines when the timing of moves. When you have found a position to move to or from, that position can be saved to the Timeline as a KeyFrame. Complex moves can be created by adding multiple KeyFrames at various times to shape the move over a straight or curved path.

Playing Moves

Clicking on the Player control beneath the Viewfinder will cause the scene to be played in the Viewfinder in real time, without the need for time-consuming rendering. Moves can be easily changed and holds added at any point. All moves are smoothly splined and their motions tapered for very graceful movements.


These quick tutorials will show you how easy it is to make a simple move from your particular system:


